January 27, 2011

DEVIN GARY & ROSS playin’ out in Feb

Filed under: Blog — Gary Panter @ 1:56 pm–70/

As you can see by way of the link, we are playing to honor our friend Joshua White, genius light show artist, on the occasion of the publication of a limited edition history of the art of Joshua and the Joshua Light Show, house light show for the Filmore East when it mattered most.  The really nice survey was written by friendly Dan Nadel of Picturebox books. The calendar info neglects mention of Ross and i hope that they will amend that mistake before our show at ISSUE PROJECT ROOM on the 17th of Feb, 2011. We will appear with a light show conducted by Seth Kirby and crew. When I learn more specifically who is working on the light show, i will endeavor to make myself post that info.

Plus, we have finished our vinyl record EP. More about that soon. 

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