I am almost always hard at work, part-time with long breaks, on a new collection of JIMBO cartoon drawings. For now that means writing and drawing the ten new eight page stories, or chapters, that will make up the next eighty page JIMBO book. Hopefully, it will be a fancy book and comic and art collectors will crave it and want to take it home with them. I hope they do.
But that is still years away. It takes more than a month for me to draw a page or to think one up, even though I burn the midnight oil. Yet, only a moment from here, you can find conversations frozen in cyberspace where crowds of unappreciative people, mostly dudes of indeterminate age or description beyond ‘erudite’, are crowded into some virtual moist pipette complaining about how badly I draw. If only they knew how hard it is for me to draw this crummily and not like Alex Raymond, which comes more naturally to me, they would show a little more love and mercy.
So, in the meanwhile, occasionally, when I finish eight pages, I make spiffy little mini-comics on colorful cardstock and send them to a few friends and sell them for too much money on the site to discourage people from ordering them, because I can’t make enough money folding and stapling mini-comics to live in New York. And sometimes I don’t bother to put them in my site shop and just give some to my friend Dan Nadel to sell on the PICTUREBOX site, which just happened. You can see a picture of the dandy new mini-comic at: